Woodshop Wisdom

A Collection of Wise Sayings & Good Advice for the Shop
(Most of these courtesy of my Grandfather) 

Measure twice, cut once.  A.K.A. Think before you cut.
A² + B² = C² for solving triangles.
Don't forget your eye, ear, mouth protection.
It is easier to destroy than it is to rebuild.  (I.E. Cut and sand wood with care, you can always cut/sand more, but you can't easily take it back.)
Practice makes better and no one is perfect.
Take your time or you may have to start all over or visit the hospital.
There is always time to double check your work.
"Behold the crescent wrench, America's favorite hammer" (I.E. Use the right tool for the job.)
To defog your safety goggles, try a little dot of dish soap on the inside and rub it evenly, spit works too.  (Learned from scuba diving)
Keep your shop clean, a pile of tools can be a safety risk.
Pay attention when using power tools says 3 toed Pete.
Don't forget proper ventilation for chemicals or sawdust.
Estimate the cost and items needed before you start.

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