
Large Book Case

Nothing too fancy about this project.  Just a big, sturdy and practical book case.  The goal of this and probably future posts:  Less words - More pictures.  I always enjoy taking pictures, but I rarely want to sit down and type up a "nice" blog post, it's just not my thing.  This new objective should yield more projects ending up here.

Without further rambling, what you came for...  The book case.

It's a 6' tall, 1' deep, 2.5' wide solid wood monster.  And I was very surprised when it weighed less than I imagined during the design.  It is almost too big to carry by yourself, but I am just that awesome... so I did.  :)

I pulled this one off for right around $100
1 - 2"x12" x 12' (cut exactly in half for the two 6' sides) $15
7 - 1"x12" x 2.5' shelves (They vary by ~1.5" in width if they are fixed, or removable) $30
1 - 4'x8' x 1/4" Red Oak Plywood for the backing (or any laminate / plywood sheet you like) $26
1 - 32oz can of Minwax "Golden Oak" wood stain. $8
1 - 32oz can of Minwax polycrylic clear semi-gloss finish. $18
4 - 6' metal shelf tracking (cut in ~2.5' pieces) $10
12 - wood screws  $2

The pictures should tell the rest of the story well enough.  Enjoy!

The 2x12

The shelves cut out

Partly assembled

Starting to stain.

Still adding stain.

Golden Oak

Tracking close up, I used a 3/8" straight plunge router bit to inlay the tracking.

The middle fixed-shelf and tracking.

Finished with the first coat

Backing in place

Almost finished!

The semi-gloss finish.

A nail-set to tap in the few nails I needed.

2 removable shelves finished.

